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14/09/2024—15/09/2024, Vevey
Images Vevey and Photo Elysée organize Booklette, a photobook fair bringing together Swiss and international publishers. The equation is simple and convivial: Books + Raclette = Booklette.
near. is taking part by offering members a guided tour of Biennale Images Vevey and the presentation of their publications at a table among the publishers.
Register to take part to the photobook fair and/or follow a guided tour of the biennial exhibitions on Saturday 14 at 11am:
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Tiziana Amico, winner near. prize 2024, at Verzasca Foto Festival
30/08/2024, Verzasca
The jury of this year’s near. prize is happy to announce the winner of the edition – Tiziana Amico! Her work will be exhibited at the Verzasca Foto Festival 2024. Come and join us in beautiful Ticino for the opening days August 30 – 31.
Jury statement:
In the project “Nunca Fui Adolescente” (’I Never Was A Teenager’), Amico explores the personal stories of Argentine women who became mothers before adulthood, challenging stigmatized representations of adolescent motherhood, highlighting their resilience and individuality through intimate portrayals created in a collaboration with these young women.
The jury was convinced both by the choice of the author’s subject and the visual decisions taken in the project. The strong visual storytelling is combined with a very personal, almost gentle, approach of Amico to the experiences of these women and the desire to give them a voice and understand their perspective. Through a conscious use of portraiture mixed with images of private writings and symbolic objects, Tiziana Amico manages to create a memorable and powerful, yet very tender visual narrative.
Images credits:
From “Nunca Fui Adolescente” (’I Never Was A Teenager’) by Tiziana Amico
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Arles near. x Pool Collective
04/07/2024, Arles
We are very excited to inform you that the dates and location for our event during the opening week of the Rencontres d’Arles have been confirmed. We are collaborating with Pool collective to host an apéro and present our associations at the Librairie du Palais. Alongside this evening we are organising a DIY poster campaign throughout the city of Arles.
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near. x nuit des images BYOB
22/06/2024, Lausanne
near. photographers will be bringing their beamers and are presenting an abundance of images on the Plateforme 10 esplanade.
Mainly concerned with the themes of nature, artifacts and identity, discover the work of Tiziana Amico, Graziella Antonini, Yann Amstutz, Thomas Annaheim Lambert, Zoé Aubry, Rebecca Bowring, Aline Bovard Rudaz, Delphine Burtin, Margaux Corda, Marie-Pierre Cravedi, Matthieu Croizier, Ankita Das, Tomasz Fall, Matthias Forster, Anne Gabriel-Jürgens, Yann Haeberlin, Fabian Hugo, Emilien Itim, Khashayar Javanmardi, Stephen Kelly, Yann Laubscher, Arthur Lehmann, Samuel Matzig, Cécile Monnier Laurence Rasti, Nora Rupp, Roxana Savin and Mihai Sovaiala.
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near. prize 2024
We are thrilled to announce the opening of the call for entries for the near. prize 2024!
The winner of the near. prize 2024 will have the opportunity to showcase their work at Verzasca Foto Festival 2024, as well as being awarded 1000 CHF and a free one-year near. membership.
This year’s jury panel comprises of the following fotography experts: Alfio Tommasini, Director and Curator of the Verzasca Foto Festival; Annette Amberg, Director of Coalmine – Raum für Fotografie (Winterthur); and the committee of near. counting as one vote.
The call for entries is open from April 22 to May 29, 2024. The winner will be revealed this June, with their exhibition featured in the 2024 edition of Verzasca Foto Festival.
There is no specific theme for this year’s prize, so please refer to the application form guidelines for comprehensive details.
We eagerly await the submission of your application!
→ Apply now (deadline: Wednesday, May 29, 2024)
(*Please note that the near. prize is exclusively reserved for members of the association.)
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Guided Tour near. prize Pedro Rodrigues
Special guided tour of the Bieler Fototag/ Journées photographiques de Bienne with Pedro Rodrigues, Rebecca Bowring, Julien Heimann and Sarah Girard
near. is pleased to invite you and your near friend and family to join us for a guided tour of the shows in Bienne / Biel in the very special company of the photographers Pedro Rodrigues, winner of the near Prize 2023, Rebecca Bowring, winner of the near prize 2021, Julien Heimann photographer member of near and Sarah Girard, director of the festival.
The entrance is being taken care by us!
Saturday 18th of May, 2.15pm, meeting point 10 Juraplatz Biel / Bienne
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Created on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of near swiss association for contemporary photography, the “near photographic collection” aims to materialize in a tangible collection the association’s contribution to the Swiss contemporary photography scene since its inception. Its objective is to acquire, one key image for each of the hundred members the association had at its 10-year mark. Furthermore, it is intended to be preserved by a Swiss public institution or museum to endure over time, be showcased by both the association and the institution, serve as the subject of exhibitions and loans, and be accompanied by scholarly documentation.
To ensure the feasibility and sustainability of the collection, near allocates at least a tenth of its annual budget for the acquisition of new images. Fundraising efforts complement and expedite the pace of acquisitions.
Sandrine Lagnaz, Aïto au chat, 2019.
Anne-Sophie Aeby, Sans Titre, Habiter, Consommer, Divertir, 2006-2012
Graziella Antonini, Sapin blanc, 2019
Thomas Brasey, Guillaume Tell, BOAVENTURA, 2017
Sophie Brasey, Cervin, Artefact, 2008
Delphine Burtin, Sans titre, Fragments, 2018
Nicolas Delaroche, Meditation, First Seen, 2021
David Gagnebin de Bons, sans titre (7 bols), 2019
Julien Heimann, Sans titre, BA-40, 2009
Vincent Jendly, Anthropocène, 2021
Brigitte Lustenberger, Still Untiteled, 2014
Olivier Lovey, Paris, 2014
Murielle Michetti, sans titre n° 1, 2004
Virginie Rebetez, Untitled #3, Under Cover, 2013
Delphine Schacher, Arthur, Bois des frères, 2015
Anne-Sophie Aeby, Sans Titre, paille11_110922_15_04
Rebecca Bowring, KnowingThunder
Photographer membership
Applies to active photographers who have developed a personal body of work within the field of contemporary photography whether with a documentarian or an artistic approach.
All members get free access to all near. activities and the possibility to apply for free for the ‘near. prize’, as well as various benefits from our partners.
Become a member
Selection Criteria
near. Network members
Anna-Tia Buss
Ann Griffin
(*1981, Lugano, CH) works as a graphic designer specialised in editorial design. Based in Zürich, she collaborates with publishers, photographers and artists on different projects. Her main focus is book design with a particular interest in photography books. She has led numerous workshops in different art schools, as well as her own Photobook retreat in the mountains. Since 2017 she is a committee member of near. (Swiss association for contemporary photography).
Victoria Mühlig
Damien Sivier
New committee:
Maeva Dubrez
Miriam Edmunds
Anna Konstantinova
(*1990, Samara, RU) is a Zurich-based curator specializing in contemporary photography, post-photography, and curating in digital spaces. She is the Curator and Gallery Manager at Lullin + Ferrari Gallery and is responsible for art and architecture projects at the Canton of Zurich. Anna is also part of the team at Screen Walks, a collaborative project by Fotomuseum Winterthur and The Photographers’ Gallery that investigates the evolving role of photographic images in networked and digital spaces. Additionally, she is a member of the pool collective, a self-organized group of artists and creatives in Zurich working in photography, and serves on the committee of near.association, which promotes contemporary Swiss photography and fosters critical discourse in the field.
Anne Gabriel-Jürgens
Audrey Zimmerli
Thanks to: Nassim Daghighian (founder of near.), and all past committee members.
90 out of 90 results
swiss association for contemporary photography
Alessia Olivieri
21 images
Alexandra Baumgartner
7 images
Alfio Tommasini
31 images
Aline Bovard Rudaz
25 images
Aline d’Auria
33 images
Aline Henchoz
25 images
Ankita Das
8 images
Anna-Tia Buss
31 images
Anne Gabriel-Jürgens
34 images
Antigoni Papantoni
15 images
Arena Fabrizio
47 images
Arthur Lehmann
25 images
Benoit Chattaway
24 images
Brigitte Lustenberger
27 images
Carla da Silva
21 images
Carlo Rusca
15 images
Catherine Leutenegger
31 images
Cécile Monnier
15 images
Cédric Raccio
18 images
Christian Nilson
24 images
Claudia Schildknecht
18 images
Cynthia Mai Ammann
18 images
Damien Sivier
25 images
Daniela Droz
24 images
David Gagnebin-de Bons
25 images
Delphine Burtin
40 images
Delphine Schacher
33 images
Désirée Good
25 images
Diego Brambilla
13 images
Diego Saldiva
83 images
Dominique Teufen
23 images
Eden Levi Am
10 images
Emilien Itim
25 images
Emilio Nasser
35 images
Eva Lauterlein
19 images
Fabian Hugo
17 images
Florian Luthi
50 images
Florian Spring
52 images
Fred Csupor
19 images
Gian Paolo Minelli
26 images
Gianni Cipriano
23 images
Giona Mottura
18 images
Graziella Antonini
18 images
Guillaume Collignon
35 images
Ianne Kenfack
23 images
Igor Ponti
25 images
Isabelle Blanc
19 images
Jean Luc Andrianasolo
21 images
Jennifer Niederhauser Schlup
25 images
Jessica Wolfelsperger
21 images
Joanna Wierzbicka
11 images
Jonas Kambli
24 images
Jonathan Levy-Forcada
12 images
Jorma Mueller
24 images
Julien Heimann
25 images
Kaspar Thalmann
42 images
Khashayar Javanmardi
15 images
Kleio Obergfell-Thomaïdes
21 images
Laurence Rasti
13 images
Laurence von der Weid
22 images
Lea Meienberg
24 images
Léonard Rossi
33 images
Léonie Rose Marion
34 images
Luca Ellena
26 images
Lucas Ziegler
20 images
Maciej Czepiel
22 images
Marco Frauchiger
23 images
Margaux Corda
20 images
Marie-Pierre Cravedi
30 images
Maros Kostas
18 images
Martial Mingam
13 images
Mathieu Bernard-Reymond
23 images
Mathilda Olmi
21 images
Mathilde Widmann
21 images
Matthias Forster
21 images
Matthieu Croizier
22 images
Matthieu Gafsou
25 images
Mauren Brodbeck
18 images
Michael Blaser
25 images
Michal Florence Schorro
32 images
Mihai Sovaiala
26 images
Misha Bushkov
19 images
Murielle Michetti
19 images
Nathalie Bissig
24 images
Nicolas Delaroche
4 images
Nicolas Haeni
20 images
Nicole Hametner
56 images
Nora Rupp
14 images
Olga Bushkova
22 images
Oliver Garcia
19 images