Photographer membership
Applies to active photographers who have developed a personal body of work within the field of contemporary photography whether with a documentarian or an artistic approach.
All members get free access to all near. activities and the possibility to apply for free for the ‘near. prize’, as well as various benefits from our partners.
Become a member
Membership fee: CHF 100.– per year.
Applicants for a photographer membership are selected by nears.’ committee based on their portfolio.
Young photographers (also selected on the basis of their portfolio) benefit from a free one-year membership, as long as they are students or graduated within a year.
Note that the near. membership only extends to Swiss nationals or people that live and work in Switzerland.
near. family
Art historians, art critics, curators, associations, institutions, publishers, museums, as well as key people in the field of photography; are presented here
All support is welcome and donations are tax deductible.
IBAN: CH24 0900 0000 1025 5587 4