
After completing a bachelor of photography at the Ecole Cantonale d’Art de Lausanne (Switzerland), I am pursuing my own artistic practice, which focuses on the age-old interspecies relationships of humans to honeybees and honeybees to humans. This research brought me closer to humanity's studies, hence my decision to undertake a master's degree in Visual and Media Anthropology at the Freie Universität in Berlin. For several years, I have continued an open-ended research, navigating on the border between art and anthropology. As a result, multi-faced artworks occur, based on multispecies ethnography and a regular art practice, using media such as videos, writing, sound and photography. These pieces are at the same time autonomous and connected together through this common investigation. Together they create a narrative universe which aims to imagine a common place where species meet and where translation between unalike sensorial worlds become possible. This site is not fixed and moves along contact zones where honeybees and humans meet – a place where ontological choreography happens, where beekeepers, scholars, and honeybees continue this age-old dance and invent new ones in alliance with technology.



– 2018, Anthropologie Numérique 6#, Paris, France (16th November)
– 2018, ASA18 (Association of Social Anthropologists – August 2018), Oxford, England
– 2018, Festival de la cité, Lausanne, Switzerland
– 2018, Swiss Design Awards, Basel, Switzerland
– 2018, Le 18, Marrakech, Morocco
– 2015, Fotopub 2015,  Novo mesto, Slovenia
– 2015, Swiss Design Awards, Basel, Switzerland
– 2014, UNO ART SPACE – Swiss young talent, Stuttgart, Germany
– 2014, Circulation(s), 104, Paris, France
– 2014, SELECTION AUSWAHL PhotoforumPasquArt, Bienne, Switzerland
– 2014,  Galerie OSLO 8, Vfg nachwuchsförderpreis, Basel, Switzerland